Join us for one of our upcoming seminars, conferences, meetings, CLEs, CPEs, and socials!

Your NALS. Your Member Benefits.

NALS of NC members enjoy numerous benefits including: member discounts on educational opportunities, networking opportunities, members-only social events, and more.

  • Select membership meetings are open to those interested in joining or learning more about NALS of NC. Check out our upcoming meeting dates and times below.

  • NALS NC offers many free and low-cost CLEs, CPEs, and other educational opportunities. Check out our upcoming dates and times below.

  • Each year, NALS hosts a national conference. The 2023 National Conference is being held in Houston, NC on August 21 - 23, 2023.

  • Dinners, outings, socials - sometimes you just need a break from work with likeminded people.

Education: CLE, CPE & CE Opportunities

Select CLE programs sponsored by NALS of North Carolian may be accredited by the North Carolina State Bar - Paralegal Certification and are approved for CPE - when indicated.

01/25/23, 1:00 PM - (CE) Professional Developement by Tim Connor, CSP “Leadership is not a Title for Position; It’s a Mindset” (Free for NALS members)

02/09/23, 12 PM - (CPE/CLE) Paralegal Ethics” by Joy Belk

03/09/23, 12 PM - (CPE/CLE) Family Law - Options for handling a family law domestic matter” by Deorah Dilman, Esq.

03/17/23, 1:00 PM - (CLE)“Setting Boundaries – Dealing with Difficult People” by Jan Spence, CSP (Free for NALS members)

04/18/23 12:00 PM - Lunch & Learn at Poyner Spruill (Raleigh - Free)

04/20/23 - NALS of NC network social (Charlotte) (Free)

05/03/23, 1:00 PM - (CPE/CLE) eCourts by Kellie Myers, TCA

05/12, 05/15/23, 1:00 PM - (CPE/CLE) eCourts replay by Kellie Myers, TCA

06/09/23, 12:00 PM - (CPE/CLE) “Courtroom Organization and Flow of Testimony Evidence in Litigation Matters” by Judge Inman

06/15/23, 12:00 PM - Lunch & Learn at Parker Poe (Charlotte - Free)

06/26/23, 12:00 PM - (CPE/CLE) “Paralegal Ethics” by Joy Belk

09/07/23 (CPE/CLE) “Debt & Credit” by Heather Culp, Esq.

08/17/2023 Durham in-person Social / Network Event hosted by EveryWord.

08/21- 23/2023 (CPE) IN-PERSON Houston NALS National Legal Education Conf

11/09/23, 1:00 PM EST - Replay Ethics (CPE/CLE) Family Law - Options for handling a family law domestic matter” by Deorah Dilman, Esq.


CLE/CPE Ethics

Family Law - Options for handling a family law/domestic matter”

Presented by Deborah Dilman, Esq.

Certified Family Financial Mediator and a Collaborative Law Practitioner

November 9, 2023, 1:00 pm EST

Cost: $35

Members: Free

This session is approved for 1.0 ethics CLE and CPE


“Debt & Credit”

Presented by Heather Culp, Esq.

September 7, 2023, 1:00 pm EST.

Cost $35

Members Free

This session is approved for 1.0 general CLE and CPE


Heather Culp is a partner at Essex Richards, P.A., in Charlotte. She founded the firm’s bankruptcy practice in 2014. Her caseload involves bankruptcy, insolvency and other debtor/creditor relations, and commercial litigation. Heather is a member of the Panel of Chapter 7 Trustees for the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of North Carolina. She serves as a substitute trustee in commercial foreclosures in the greater Charlotte metropolitan area; as a receiver in state court cases; and as attorney for receivers. She is panel counsel for Lawyers Mutual of North Carolina, representing and advising insureds facing professional liability in consumer bankruptcy cases.  A reliable volunteer with bar associations and pro bono agencies, Heather is Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees for the North Carolina State Bar Plan for Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Accounts (IOLTA) and a past president of the Mecklenburg County Bar (2017-2018). Learn more at https://www.essexrichards.com/attorneys/heather-w-culp/

NALS National Legal Education Conference

August 21- 23, 2023

Location: Houston, Texas


Join us for three days of educational content pertinent to legal support professionals, extensive networking opportunities, and the opportunity to earn multiple CLE's This will be an event you won't want to miss!

CLE/CPE Ethics

“Paralegal Ethics”

Presented by Joy Belk

NCSB Managing Director of Paralegal Certification

REPLAY - June 26, 2023, 12:00 pm EST.

Cost $35

Members $20

This session is approved for 1.0 ethics CLE and CPE






CLE/CPE Presentation

Presented by Kellie Z. Myers

Court Administrator, 10th Judicial District - Wake County

May 15, 2023, 1:00 pm EST.

Cost $35

This session is approved for 1.0 general CLE and CPE


Presented By: Judge Lucy Inman

Courtroom Organization and Flow of Testimony and

Evidence in Litigation Matters”

June 9, 2023, 12 pm EST.

Cost $35

Members $20

This session is approved for 1.0 general CLE and CPE

Professional Development

“Setting Boundaries – Dealing with Difficult People”

Presented by Jan Spence, CSP

March 17, 2023 - 1:00pm EST

Cost $25 usually $50

Members Free

Jan Spence, CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) is an international speaker, author, and consultant. . . . this TEDx speaker uses her vast knowledge in sales, communications, finances, and employee engagement to help numerous clients including Pillsbury, Walmart, and Frito-Lay.

This session is approved for 1.0 general CLE

Networking Event


August 17, 2023


Durham Food Hall

530 Foster St, Durham, NC 27701


EveryWord, Inc.

Diane Sherrard / 803-212-0012 / diane@everywordinc.com

Networking Event


April 20, 2023


Petty Thieves Brewing

413 Dalton Ave., Suite B, Charlotte, NC



Kasey Stewart, NCCP / 704.770.1730 / kasey.stewart@tp.one

Lunch & Learn



April 18, 2023, 12:00 pm


Poyner Spruill, LLP

301 Fayetteville St., Suite 1900, Raleigh, NC


Transperfect Legal Solutions

Bill Douglas, Director / 919.521.0882 / bill.douglas@transperfect.com

Education: CLE and CPE Opportunities

CLE programs sponsored by NALS are accredited by the North Carolina State Bar - Paralegal Certification and are approved for CPE credit.

CLE/CPE Presentation

Date: TBD

Cost: TBD

Presented By: TBD

Join us for a great CLE/CPE presentation

CLE/CPE Presentation

Date: TBD

Cost: TBD

Presented By: TBD

Join us for a great CLE/CPE presentation

This project was made possible through a grant from the NALS Foundation.